Wednesday, November 27, 2013

The front yard

I've spotted this building not far from where I'm living during one of my last Sunday's rides on my bike. It looks like being abandoned since eons but it's actually populated by someone. The small, ancient, garden on the front is clearly maintained, even if has already put on its winter frock. The door light is on night and day but the blinds are always shut. I've heard someone in the nearby village calling it the "institute". I'll investigate a little more in the coming days. 


marco eugenio said...

la casa del mistero, ispirazione per un romanzo gotico o un poliziesco.
Che ne dici, potrebbe andar bene per tenerlo agli aresti domiciliari o per farlo lavorare in un piano di recupero ediizio affidato ai servizi sociali ?
:-)ùciao !

Tiberio Fanti said...

No, no, troppa "grazia" ...

Lascio Don Mazzi decidere quale attrezzo mettergli tra le mani ...