Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Waiting for something to happen

Autumn has just began but still we're enjoying great sunny days and warm temperature. Good for walking, cycling, laying on a long-chair, preferably close to the sea. It's real pity that we have to sit quiet in our offices, in the grey atmosphere of the Milanese metropolis and spend hours in endless discussions, instead. I can't help it. Can't do better that waiting for better times or something to happen.


marco eugenio said...

Bella candid
Non riconosco il posto, però, dove l'hai scattata ?
Aspettando tempi migliori e augurandotii belle occasioni fotografiche vacanziere, un saluto

Tiberio Fanti said...

Budapest, basilica di Santo Stefano, se ben ricordo. Ti ho scritto in privato.