Tuesday, August 25, 2020


Ready to set sails. Ready to do many things. Ready to fail to do them all. Ready to regret this Summer vacations weren't long enough.

Monday, August 24, 2020

On the first day of my stay at the seaside, where we're spending some days of this unusual summer, notwithstanding my good intentions, I wasn't able to wake up earlier. Kein Problem. There will be time, in the coming days, to wake up with the first turtledove singing at reach the beach before the sun is high.

Tuesday, August 18, 2020

On top

Now that I'm back home and not in such bad physical conditions as I initially feared, I can tell it and show the proof. I didn't expect to go that far and high, today. It's been raining hardly for two days and my expectations, while leaving my house for this afternoon tour, were not very high. Still, after renouncing the idea on a big tour that I'm going to make, sooner or later, over the mountains north-west of Graz, I passed, one after another, some milestones, each time deciding to go forth. Eventually, as the air had already gotten thinner and colder, I came to an elbow bent, on the road crossing the valley of Tyrnau, where I had to take a decision standing in front of a road sign indicating a slope higher than 14%.

And I went on, till I reached the top.

Friday, August 14, 2020

Two minutes before

Never again. Never type a message home, saying "All OK. We avoided the storm. Coming back home." 

Two minutes after taking this picture in Gralla, very south of Graz, to record from far the horrible storm that hit the city while we were out in the countryside, we hit the wall. A wall of water and hail.

Thursday, August 13, 2020

Saturday, August 8, 2020