Tuesday, December 25, 2012

This is not a real post, not as my latest. I don't have a picture to post, I left my PC at home and took with me just a tablet. For you I have today only few words. I'll keep my headache for me.
I've just spent one of the cruellest days in the year: Christmas. I've swang between my parents' apartment and the one of my parents in law. Little time for thinking or doing anything else but eating and talking out loud to make myself heard in a crowd of shouting people. This is my typical Cristmas day, I can't help it. Everything happens quickly. Yet everything seems to last an ethernity. I would rather have spent it in several different ways, not least walking around my parent's old town with my gears in the hands. There will be time: that's what I say myself. But time goes by and you can't recover it.
I doubt there will be anyone out there reading these words. In case, I wish you had better holidays than mine.

1 comment:

marco eugenio said...

ti capisco Tiberio, perchè io e mia moglie ci siamo sempre sottratti a simili obblighi.
Lo abbiamo fatto solo quando era un piacere e non un dovere e così spero facciano i miei figli, in liberà.
spero che almeno babbonatale ti abbia portato qualche aggeggio fotografico, per tornare on the road al più presto