Thursday, July 19, 2012

Franka is in Milan

My latest commitment

I came back from the first half of this year's holiday last Sunday night. I had to be in office on Monday morning. No chance to delay my return in the open space. On my way to work I was feeling quite annoyed about this but I couldn't help it. That's typical: when a vacation goes smoothly and everything looks fine its days always look shorter and your will to go back to work strives to reappear. I walked as in a slow-motion film those two hundred meters from the underground station to my work, wishing not to be spotted by any colleague in the attempt to postpone the unavoidable description of trip, beaches, accommodation and food.

Yet, as soon as I entered the reception I had a pleasant notice from my reception responsible. A small cardboard package had been waiting for me for some days. Soon the dust in my memory blew up in a cloud and I started smiling at the idea of the old fashionable Lady to take around with me for a while.

"Franka" is actually a German camera, Franka Solida Record T, built around 1958 by Franka Kamerawerk Bayreuth. I'll keep her for a month or maybe more, before handing it over to another 591er. Her captures will be recorded on a dedicated website I already talked about. Now it's time to look for some 120 mm rolls and walk around Milan, Rome and who knows in which other town.