Sunday, July 26, 2020

Saturday night's crime scene

Early in the morning, the crime scene where the Saturday night's carnage is celebrated has completely a different look.

Morning duties

One of the two nicest moments of a day on the beach. The early morning walk on the shoreline, the treasure hunt for what has stranded overnight, the pleasant contact with the tiepid shallow water, just like the one at the end of the day, is a ritual to which neither I can't escape.

Saturday, July 25, 2020


As a consequence of the Corona virus countermeasures, the population of umbrella that was meant to cover with a regular pattern the large beach of Bibione has been decimated. Only white numbered stubs are coming out of the sand. At night this looks like a war cemetery, as actually is. 

Friday, July 17, 2020

The new river

After a couple of years of intensive works for the construction on a new dam, with a power plant built-in, right in the middle of the city metropolitan area, the river banks have changed face. There are many trees less than before; many others are now standing in the middle of the dam basin and will certainly not survive for long with roots constantly wet. On the other hand, the new banks provide opportunities for the citizen to stay safer and closer to the water, when not directly access to it via canoes or other kind of floaters. It's a matter of waiting and watching how it's going to progress. For the purists like me, it's still a matter of making few kilometres more, along the cycling road, before ending into the wood and marshes again.

Sunday, July 12, 2020

So far, so close

I woke up earlier than usual, today, even earlier than a typical working day. I wanted to jump on the saddle of my mountain-bike before the sun was high and ride along the riven till the ruins of an old Roman military camp, called Flavia Solva, in the area of the modern town of Leibnitz. The way down south of Graz is very smooth, with no climbs nor challenging terrain. Alas, after reaching the place where today the archaeological site stands, I felt a bit disappointed. Beside the remains of some opus-incertum walls and a collection of tiny little glass ampules, vials and bowls, nothing else was there to witness the life of this far outpost of the Roman Empire. Tombstones, funeral sculptures and insignia have been all moved to the city, in the Historical Museum of Graz.

Veni, Vidi, ... Equitavi.

Sunday, July 5, 2020


It's undoubtedly a matter of will. Destination: StubenbergerSee.