Friday, December 23, 2005

A matter of freedom

"Let me look!" said Connie. He did look indeed very clean-shaven and very clean altogether, one of the clean young men of twenty years ago. But even in the photograph his eyes were alert and dauntless. And the woman was not altogether a bully, though her jowl was heavy. There was a touch of appeal in her.
"One never should keep these things," said Connie.
"That one shouldn't! One should never have them made!" - He broke the cardboard photograph and mount over his knee, and when it was small enough, put it on the fire.

[D.H.Lawrence, Lady Chatterlay's lover]

I've been lately asked if I ever considered to leave my current activity and try to find my way with photography. This sounds like a great compliment and surely is. Still it is at the same time one of those questions demanding an immediate and correct answer.
Since my interviewer was a technician, a specialist of electronic design, I answered him in the way he was expecting I would have answered and showed him the difference between working as a professional photographer, procuring assignments and keeping up with all those aspects that I never took care of before and taking photographs as a random activity, without risks, pressure and concerns.

Taking photographs in my spare time still leaves me enough freedom to express myself in the most natural way, without taking care of anyone. Each time I cast my glance through the viewfinder I feel, even though for a very short moment, alone with myself and free to choose the right spot to point at and the right moment for pushing the shutter button.